One of the amazing things about children is that they live in the moment.  Adults are often amazed at the wonder they have in such simple things; a puddle, rain, a leaf or a bug.

The world is their oyster and everything is a new discovery for them.  There is no yesterday and they do not worry about what the future holds - it is sad that as we grow we start to lose this and instead we start to worry.  We worry about what has happened but this is useless, as we cannot change it, all we can do with the past is learn from it and grow.  Dragging the past forward only allows it to continue to cause distress.   We also worry about the future and try and change what might happen and this causes us to send thoughts into the future and create what we are worried will occur.  What would it be like if we could again live in the moment?  Be present in what is happening around you right now?  Let’s give it a try. 

You are obviously reading this at the moment, are you actually paying attention to it or are you reading it while doing other things like watching TV or checking facebook?  What is the colour of what you are reading?  Take your attention to where you are, what the temperature is, what are you sitting on.  Do you feel the seat under your buttocks?  Do you feel your feet upon the floor?  To be present in the moment means that you are taking in all the things around you, not worrying about the past or the future.  Lots of things can change in your life if you can learn to live in the present moment. 

As adults we are so busy trying to get away from something or to something - a great example is the traffic.  Now we are lucky here in Perth as there is not a lot of traffic but it is getting worse.  When we get stuck in traffic do we take the time to reflect, listen to music, watch our surroundings or do we get angry, anxious, and fidgety.  How would that traffic jam feel if you used it as contemplative time?  Your anger is not going to move the traffic any faster and may just cause an ulcer in your stomach or raise your blood pressure.  Getting anxious puts strain on your adrenal glands and can lead to adrenal fatigue.  So use that time you have been given wisely.  Be there in the traffic jam, in front of your computer or where ever you are.  Better yet turn off the computer and come to one of our medication classes instead.




Image courtesy of chrisroll at